Warren & Katie’s Wedding

We first met Katie when her son Peyton was the ring bearer at a friend’s wedding a couple of years ago. We liked her immediately and are SO thrilled she found Warren – the love of her life, her helpmate and support, her biggest fan, not to mention a wonderfully kind and caring father. Warren’s only request for the day was that he and Katie wouldn’t see each other before the ceremony (oh yeah, and the super hero shot!), so afterwards we asked him what he thought when he saw Katie for the first time. He got this incredulous look on his face, as if it was a highly unnecessary question… “Wow, uh, I mean, LOOK at her! I was just looking.” However, Warren isn’t a man who is often finds himself speechless. He actually hooked Katie on a pickup line! Now let me tell you, Katie isn’t the type of girl to fall for a pickup line, but when ruggedly handsome Warren came up to her and said, “You know, I’m kind of a big deal…” She HAD to laugh and ask why. 🙂  Turns out a local billboard for the company he was employed by featured his picture. And the rest is history…


There are HOW many layers of tulle to this dress?? However, the perfect dress is like the perfect man… when you know, you KNOW. And as Katie said, “Sorry ladies, I didn’t choose the dress, it chose me!”


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